Once Upon A Time…
Far, far away in a distant galaxy called "The Fleishig Way" (about a six hour wait from the Milky Way) there was a strange but beautiful planet called "SHTEEBLE". The inhabitants of this small, "haimish" planet were cute little creatures who loved nothing more than sitting around "shmoozing" while they ate "Cholent" and Lukshin Kugel". And that's exactly what they did most of their lives. For ages untold they led this simple, idyllic existence enjoying peace, prosperity (and occasionally pickled herring) when suddenly tragedy struck!
Out of the inky depths of space, a vast armada of giant space ships from the poisonous planet "TUMA" suddenly appeared and completely surrounded small, defenseless "SHTEEBLE". The SPACE SHKOTZIM then threatened to disintegrate the entire planet unless everybody agreed to leave, so they could turn it into an inter-planetary fast-food restaurant! An emergency meeting of the SUPREME COUNCIL OF SHTEEBLE was convened and after a heated and oftime acrimonious debate, a momentous and fateful decision was reached. Painful as it was; the inhabitants of Shteeble would abandon their beloved planet!
In the midst of the panic and confusion of the mass exodus that followed, very few indeed, were aware that this would be their very last day together as a people. For the ELDERS OF SHTEEBLE, in their wisdom, had decreed that never again would they all inhabit one planet, but rather to ensure their survival, would spread out across the galaxies to all corners of the universe and establish little Shteebles on every hospitable planet they discovered.
Barely had the last Shteeble ship departed when the first delivery of giant sesame-seed buns were dropped onto the planet completely demolishing three large cities!
Through the lonely vastness of space they sped, homeless and alone; each in a different direction, each searching for a new home. And thus it was that many, many years later a squad of Shteeble ships approached a beautiful blue and white planet on the outer rim of the galaxy that reminded them of their long lost Shteeble. Its name was EARTH, and they knew it would be their new home!
Disguising themselves as Earthlings they opened Shteebles throughout the planet where they sat and "shmoozed" while they ate cholent, kugel, and occasionally pickled herring! They loved to visit each other and reminisce and "Shteeble-hopping" became the new way of life!
Now, the highest ranking, shteeble-hopping, Commander-in-chief on planet Earth is me…COUNTRY YOSSI! And although I love all my little Shteeble Hoppers, there were two I loved so much I let them live with me without any disguises at all. Their names are KIVI and TUKI and on this record you'll get to spend a day with us and join the fun as they struggle to understand the Torah, the Mitzvohs and appreciate the everlasting beauty of Yiddishkeit!