Not only will there be fresh kosher meat for sale, but Rabbi Pinkhas Iliasov, Chief Assistant to the Shochet will be there to cook samples and answer random Kashrus questions about the shechita on the Red Heifer Farm.
This might begin the to jewify the grassroots outdoor market! What's next? supervision of Rabbi Zvi Ashkenazi (the Shochet) and Rabbi Avrohom Marmorstein. Apparently kosher chicken is coming in the next few weeks as well.
If you can't make it on Friday mornin, don't worry deliveries are available from the market! check their website below…
check em out on Facebook here:http://www.facebook.com/pages/New-York-NY/Red-Heifer-Farm/116711781696513?v=wall
or go to http://www.redheiferfarm.com