Selling your chumetz before pesach has never been easier, thanks to's Michiras Chametz Classifieds. It doesn't even cost 5 bucks! So jot down your list of chumetz, slap on a price (which ofcourse can be completely made up) an d cross your finger that a local neighborhood goy stumbles upon our little jewy bangin website here with some imaginary cash and a need for inaccessible bread goods! Enjoy!
Nearly Full!! Box of Super Golden Crisp. Stale to Perfection. Decoder Ring included. $7.59. Negotiable. |
Triangle K Treats. Possibly Kosher (but tasty) Little Debbie and Hostess Cakes. For sale Individually wrapped or in box. Willing to trade for fruit roll up. |
Crumbs in my Beard! Finders Keepers! $3.00 for three minutes of searching. If you find a piece of fish I keep it. No tugging. No disturbing the lice. Check payis: add 50 |