Mystics, Rationalists, and fringes on clothes
Elchanan Shoff
(the following is based upon chapter 4 of the sefer “Hamitzvos HaSehkulos” of the saintly Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe z”l)
Mystics dress in white gowns and burn incense. Us rationalists wear business suits and designer shirts and ties. But why is it that some of us can be so confused by and indifferent to talk about demons, angels, and heaven?
There are seven commandments that are considered by our sages to be as important as the entirety of the Torah. One of them is tzitzis. Tzitzis are the fringes that a male Jew is obligated to affix to his four cornered garment, should he choose to wear one. Although most clothing is no longer made with four corners, Torah observant Jews wear special undershirts of four corners colloquially called “tzitzis,” so as not to miss the grand opportunity to perform this mitzvah.
But what is behind this mitzvah? Why is it worthy of being dubbed as valuable as the entire Torah?
Tosafos (Menachos 43b) tells us that these strings are similar to a brand that a slave wears informing the world that he is enslaved to his master alone. The Midrash (Numbers Rab. 17:6) however paints a very different sounding picture of this mitzvah. “A parable