On top of shmura matzah all covered with cream cheese.
I lost my poor matzah when somebody sneezed. (from marror)
It rolled off the seder table, it rolled on the floor,
And then my poor matzah rolled out of the door.
It rolled in the garden oh boy it was dumb,
And then my poor matzah was nothing but crumbs.
The crumbs were ass tasty as tasty could be,
And early next seder it grew to a matzah tree.
The tree was all covered with strawberry jelly.
It grew great big matzah that I put in my belly.
So if you eat shmura matzah all covered with cheese,
Hold on to your matzah and don't ever sneeze. (from maror)
it smells like gas-o-line.
it tastes like vas-o-line.
It makes your tongue sore.
So eat some marror, and tongue-sore, today!