Passover Seder FAMILY FEUD
This was a hit at our seder this year from the SEDER SIDEKICK: Split the table into two teams and have a blast trying …
This was a hit at our seder this year from the SEDER SIDEKICK: Split the table into two teams and have a blast trying …
10. Everyone’s cleaning out their cabinet 9. The more one says “No Collusion,” the more praiseworthy 8. “Stormy” is a new title of one of …
10. The 4 glasses of wine suddenly 4 shots vodka 9. Marror sure smells a lot like ‘military-grade nerve agent’ 8. Hillel sandwich now includes …
Download the newest Seder Sidekick for your Passover Seder! Seder sidekick-2018 Includes: HQ Trivia Torah Seder Songs Terrible Jokes Family Feud Top Tens
Having trouble picking a Purim Costume? Here are some pop-culture easy ideas to make your Purim an Ad-Delo-Yuda moment: FREILICHA PURIM!!!! HQ Host Scott Rogowsky: …
Here are a few photos from the Sukktoberfest party that occured on October 9th, 2017 at Local West BEER GARDEN on 33rd and 8th. There …
If you were one of the 500 attendees to the Sukktoberfest on October 9th you may have visited the Lip Sync Booth – here …
SUKKTOBERFEST an innovative sukkah party happening on 10/9/17 buy tickets here 10) Esrog IPA Beer 9.) Full blown lederhosen under knee-length skirts. 8.) The products of European Jewry drinking …
10.) Players will lock arms (but otherwise remain at a safe distance)…in the mikvah. 9.) Owners will wear the kittel they got married in, even …
10. You take off a whole lot more than your shoes 9. The lower chairs are for a reason 8. David Spade just wished you …
This year, make Rosh Hashanah the Highest of Holy Days. Ask your Doctor (or Rabbi!) if Religious Reefer is right for you. With Shaun Halper …
Come join Rabbi Allen Schwartz (on piano) and Stephanie Kurtzman (violin) jam out for the Houston Jewish Community jam & social fundraiser on September 7th …
10. OJ will be in prison for at least two more months 9. Gal Gadot finally validates all Jewish men’s chayelet fantasy 8. Khaleesee & John …
PARTY OF THE SUMMER: MUST WEAR WHITE! Tickets Here! Facebook: Sunglasses, Match Stickers, DJ, Karaoke, Horoscope booths, every person you ever wanted to …
Ton of Movies, Kumzitz’s and Shiurim to make Tishabav come to life…. Check our list of things going on here: Tishabav2017-Bangitout: Monday Night July 31, …
10. Staffers told to fast, mourn and yearn for a 1950s America 9. 2 discussed reasons Temple was destroyed: Obamacare & Fake News 8. Kushner …
Have you popped the question? Request your kit at JScreen provides access to an easy-to-use at-home saliva test that gives people who want to have children …
The Jewish Center in Manhattan held a somber and beautiful memorial service to commemorate Yom Hazikaron (Day of remembrance) sponsored by Manhattan Jewish Experience. This annual memorial …
Feast your eyes on this photo: This literally looks like every Modern Orthodox Jewish bookshelf on the Upper West Side. Hat tip to Mayim Bialek …
10.) David Ben Gurion @DBGZion1 “@yishuv, @moetzethaam, About to sign! This is nuts!!!! @StateofIsrael about to happen!” 9.) Uganda @ugandanation “So….the Jews aren’t coming here? @ugandabagels, @ugandalox, @ugandacreamcheese …
No idea who came up with this one, but it’s incredibly clever, weird and neurotic – but also introduces a bizarre and brilliant new medium …
Take a few moments to download the latest greatest SEDER SIDEKICK 2017. Click here to download:Bangitout-SederSidekick-2017 Enjoy!
Only yiddim would enjoy an all men dance number at a kosher supermarket – IT’s PASSOVER
10. Most calls were interrupted by a computerized voice saying “Bezek, Shalom.” 9. There was techno music constantly playing in the background. 8. The caller quickly said “bli …
Zeke Finn, a mentee of Matisyahu, released his first video with his mentor in an animated beautiful dance trip. worth it.
10. Grazed shalach manos leftovers 9. Judged peoples untznius purim costumes (but then liked them) 8. Almost murdered your children 7. Took away their shalach manos candy; then ate …
10. Grazed shalach manos leftovers 9. Judged peoples untznius purim costumes (but then liked them) 8. Almost murdered children 7. Took away kids’ shalach manos candy; then unknowingly ate it …
10. LALA Land Shalach Manos – Inside is actually Moonlight themed. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
Check out this Purim Musical from a Los Angeles synagogue The SHTIBL Minyan (… nails the current White House situation (Haman orders “Jewish Ban”) with some idiotic lyrics …
With the Jewish holiday of Purim just a few weeks away, the white house is rolling out the whole megillah to welcome the Jewish month of …
Hi I’m visiting NYC from March 10th – 15th and I’m looking to rent an apartment in Union Square or near Madison Avenue NYC Please …
Tub’shvat marks the new years for trees. So to celebrate this Arbor-ific sustainable day on the earthy Jewish calendar, why not get into the theme, …
Are you a gardener? Cause I could use some help planting seeds Do you need a date? Or we can fig-ure it out Should I say …
Looking for a neat, respectful Female Roommate to fill the 2nd bedroom in my Apt. Strictly Kosher and somewhat shomer shabbat. located in the center …
35. The Dead Sea is named after Chuck Norris’s enemies 34. Chuck Norris admitted he did not pack his own bags… still got on an El Al Flight …
Hello! I am looking to share my apartment with a clean, considerate, and drama free FEMALE (age 21-28) starting March 10th. My current roommate just …
I only sleep in this apartment and it has an eat in kitchen, I am looking for someone quiet to pay either $600 for the …
Housemate needed to share one bedroom apartment with eat in kitchen, this means one of us takes the living room and pays $600 the bedroom …
Furnished room for frum female 21+ available to move in April 1 to share. Part of beautiful Far Rockaway home (Lawrence border) . Has everything. …
The facts: WHAT: The NYC TUBISHVAT PARTY. (tickets here) WHEN: Saturday Night, February 11th 9pm to 2am, WHERE at YOTEL’s Green Fig Lounge & …
10.) When the Falcons take the field, someone must inexplicably mention that they davened at Beth Jacob in Atlanta thirty years ago on an NCSY Shabbaton 9.) …
15. Shared goals: Be fruitful and multiply! 14. People are obsessed with finding dates, but usually end up with prunes. 13. Your type for both: …
10. Promises to build an eruv; Have the Reform Jews pay for it 9. Anything Sisterhood related has been defunded 8. Immediate withdrawal …
10. Your yarmulke is actually a Donald Trump toupee 9. The cab you just got in is advertised as “Rabbinically approved” 8. So nice …
It’s been a while since we did this shindig, so why not do something to celebrate the hippiest and greenest Jewish Holiday, TU B’SHVAT! Join …