Rabbi Donald Weber is sure that assimilation is going to effect every single jew, literally. He and his wife are going as far as to offer their congregants membership for a year on JDATE in order for them to marry someone Jewish. The Rabbi of Temple Rodeph Torah, in Marlboro is putting his money where his mouth is an investing in his congregants dating lives. Check this awesomely interesting approach to working with singles in the NJ Star Ledger: http://www.nj.com/news/ledger/jersey/index.ssf?/base/news-8/1193895809172210.xml&coll=1
Maybe communities and synagogues should be partnering/investing with the Jewish dating websites out there, for their congregants and for their own future.
I think this is the speech he spoke about it. http://www.trt.org/hh_sermons/audio/YK.mp3