1. I am the Lord, your date, who brought you out of your house on a weeknight
2. Thou shalt not have any other plans or answer any texts/emails on your blackberry during our 1.5 hour minimum time together (except when I goto the bathroom)
3. Do not forget my name during the date.
4. Remember our 1st date anniversary and keep it holy by sending expensive flowers to my office
5. Honor my mother and father as they could be your potential in-laws/employers/suga daddies
6. Thou shalt not kill, my double-dating idea
7. Do not commit adultery. But while we are on the topic of commitment…
8. Thou shall not steal my spotlight during the date. Enough about your past relationships, shut up and listen.
9. Do not bear false witness to your friends, downplaying the date. You are smitten, Best Date Ever
10. Do not covet my friends on Facebook. They are dumb.