Seeing that this year was packed with action, seems kinda strange that I can't pinpoint what exactly is THE Purim cosutme of 2007 that everyone will be raving about this year….So I decided to compile a list of my bets… please please please feel free to share your own original costume ideas…it is important – primarily because I need a costume for this. thanks!
K, here goes:
- Borat
- Azamat Bagatov (Borat Producer)
- Dick in a Box (or “Box in a Box” depending on your sexual orientation)
- Britney (bald)
- Britney (no underpants)
- Britney (bald & no underpants) dropping baby with Jewish star neclace
- Anna Nicole DNA test (think Wheel of Fortune)
- Crying Judge of Anna Nicole case
- Drunk Mel Gibson (think Braveheart with Swastika calling people “sugar t*ts”)
- Geiko Caveman
- Sayid from Lost (same as Geiko Caveman)
- Hurley from Lost
- Sadam Hussein with noose
- “I DONT HATE FAGGOTS” Doc from Grey's
- Mac vs PC guys
Can You Hear Me Now Guy (think 2005)
- Project Runway's Tim Gunn
- Facebook Profile
- Jdate Profile
- Iranian Leader Ahmadinejad (same as Hitler)
- Jimmy Carter (same as Ahmadinejad)
- KKK Kramer
- Ipod Silouette dancer (all black have ipod)
- Simon Cowell (skin tight shirt)
- Paula Abdul drunk
Donald Trump with an Anti-Rosie picture
- Rosie Odonnel with Anti-Donald picture
- Alcoholic Pageant winner
- Little Miss Sunshine
- “Bringing Sexy Back” – (write word “SEXY” on paper, tape to back)
The Purim Party will be held at THE PARLOUR 86th Street and Broadway, free admission. Costume required. check it here