1. I am the Boss, your Superior, who hired you from the land of unemployment, out of the house of your college dorm/parents basement.
2. Do not have any other mentors/senior management/wingmen other than me.
3. You shall not make for yourself an idol in your cube unless it is a geeky cubicle toy from your 80's childhood
4. Do not name-drop at networking events in vein, unless it may help you score.
5. Honor your higher-ups
6. Remember the seventh day and make it a quiet workday when noone else is in the office. Responding to emails at 2am on your blackberry is holy!
5. Thou shalt not kill IT helpdesk guy who put you on hold.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery by doing freelance work on the side or even worse, putting thy Boss on mute during a conference call and talking about me.
8. Thou shalt not steal office supplies
9. Thou shalt not testify falsly against thy co-worker unless to cover thy ass (CTA) in an email trail
10. Thou shalt not covet another's job, office space, or bonus check.