Top Five Innovations Most Needed on the
by Jennifer Gersch
5. The SchwartzPod—Missed a Shabbos shiur or TNLP? Never fear, the SchwartzPod is here!
4. The Jewish Geography Telepath—No need to ask for the laundry lists of schools, camps and yeshivas of the other guests at your meal. This Counselor Troi-Jewish Geography maven
knows all.
3. The CranCrunch Creator–a bread machine-like robot for your favorite Shabbos dish. Sold, of course, at all fine UWS establishments—Kosher Marketplace, Eretz and (“the new”) Supersol.
2. The Shabbos Meal Replicator—4:00 pm, on a Friday, erev-a winter Shabbos? “Computer, prepare one barbecued chicken, one potato kugel, a ‘
1. The KeyWestmont Underground Tunnel—for those Shabboses when the eruv is down, or for when you just don’t feel like battling the extreme weather outside.