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Time | Shiur | Teacher | Location |
9:30 | Yaredat Hadorot | Shmuel Yanklowitz | Broadway Shul (125th) |
10:00 PM | Moses on Sinai: Could it really have happened? | Jeremy Rosen | JCC Manhattan |
10:00 PM | Revelation in Judaism and Islam | Michael Paley | JCC Manhattan |
10:00 PM | Benjamin Franklin and the Polish Jewish Enlightenment | Nancy Sinkoff | JCC Manhattan |
10:00 PM | The Universe of Obligation | Ruth Messinger | JCC Manhattan |
10:00 PM | Political Humor in the Middle East:Better to Laugh than to Cry | Micah Halpern | JCC Manhattan |
10:00 PM | Movement, Yoga, and Meditation | Sheila Lewis | JCC Manhattan |
10:00 PM | Two Short Stories by Etgar Keret | Miri Kubovy | JCC Manhattan |
10:00 PM | Is there a Jewish People or are we ust Israeli Jews and American Jews? | Peter Geffen | JCC Manhattan |
10:00 PM | Holier Than Thou: Narcissism, Spirituality, and Judaism | Joshua Katzan | JCC Manhattan |
10:00 PM | Performance of “The Naming” | Galeet Dardashti | JCC Manhattan |
10:30 PM | Money and Morality | Marc Wildes | MJE |
10:30 PM | Torah: Human and Divine/The Human Dimension of Divine Revelation | Chaim Seidler-Feller | Darchei Noam @ Heschel |
11:15 PM | Agnon on Matan Torah | Alan Mintz | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Politics and Piety: Biblical Musings and Contemporary Fusions | Adriane Leveen and Arnold Eisen | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Peoplehood at the Margins: Responsa by Rabbi David Tzvi Hoffmann | Beth Kalisch | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Wives' Tales: Famous and Less Famous Talmudic Stories of Wives and Their Learned Husbands | Ruby Namdar | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Ahad Ha’am and Martin Buber: Zionism, Existentialism, Community | Jerome Chanes | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Laughter Yoga | Francine Shore | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Rabbi and Choreographer in conversation | Irwin Kula and Heidi Latsky | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | All star line-up of Israeli and Jewish-American performers | ISRAMERICA | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Meditation | Sheldon Lewis | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | From Mount Sinai to Main Street: The Americanization of the Ten Commandments | Jenna Weissman Joselit | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Biblical Heart Surgery | Amy & Jeremy Kalmanofsky | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Conversation & Music | Idan Raichel | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Tikkun Poetry Jam | Janet R. Kirchheimer, Linda Stern, | JCC Manhattan |
11:15 PM | Am I My Body: What Jewish Medical Ethics Teach Us About Self Determination | Adena Berkowitz | Ramath Orah |
11:15 PM | Understanding and Doing the Tikkun of “Tikkun Leil Shavuot” | Rabbi Avraham Sutton | Carlebach Shul |
11:30 PM | Delay of Game: Pushing off having kids, bris etc | Baruch Simon | West Side Instituitional |
11:30 PM | Authority in Halacha: Who is Fit to Lead the Jewish People? | Aaron Mehlman | Ohav Sholom |
11:45 PM | Art and the Religious Experience | Chaim Brovender | Lincoln Square |
11:45 PM | If Stem Cells Could Talk: The Price of Tomorrow's Cure | Yosie Levine | Jewish Center |
11:45 PM |
“Lets Make A Deal: Is Selling Organs Really So Terrible?”
Ariel Rackovsky | Jewish Center |
11:45 PM | Should Superman be Perfect? | Michael Goon | Lincoln Square |
11:45 PM | Yaakov and Lavan: Being Moral in an Unmoral World | Avi and Shira Heller | MJE |
11:45 PM | Daf Yomi! | Jesse Mermelstein | West Side Kollel |
12:30 PM | Partership with a Gentile & Running a Business on Shabbos | Avraham Marmorstein | West Side Kollel |
12:00 AM | Bar Kochva – Tzaddik or zealot? | Yisroel Fried | Chabad West Side |
12:00 AM | Lessons from the life and times of R' Yizchak Hutner | Dovid Cohen | Young Israel West Side |
12:30 AM | Da’at Torah & Rabbinic Authority | Ute Steyer | JCC Manhattan |
12:30 AM | Reflections on Teshuvah or what our tradition teach about how to say “Im sorry” | Deborah Lipstadt | JCC Manhattan |
12:30 AM | The Rabbis & Uppity Women: Sexuality & the Divine Imperative | Richard McBee | JCC Manhattan |
12:30 AM | Muhammad, the Qur'an and the Jews | Mark Cohen | JCC Manhattan |
12:30 PM | The Written law and the Oral law in the work of the Mei HaShiloach and Reb Tzadok | Rabbi Naftali Citron | Carlebach Shul |
12:30 AM | Yoga—A Self Study | Seth Lieberman | JCC Manhattan |
12:30 AM | Making Choices: Lot chooses Sodom | Sandra Rapoport | JCC Manhattan |
12:30 AM | The Conflicting Messages We Receive about food and the body image | Uri L'Tzedek | JCC Manhattan |
12:45 AM | Asipration or Resignation: When is coveting a bad thing? | Shaul Robinson | Lincoln Square |
12:45 AM | For Beginners: | Ephraim Buchwald | Lincoln Square |
12:45 AM | mishna Berachos for beginners | Lloyd Epstein | Lincoln Square |
12:45 AM | Your iPod My iPod | Elana Stein Hain | Lincoln Square |
12:45 AM | The Place of Non-Combatants in Jewish Law | Michael Goon | Lincoln Square |
12:45 AM | The shimshon narrative | Ronald Platzer | Lincoln Square |
1:00 AM | Show me the Money:Lottery Gambling & God | Ezra Cohen | MJE |
1:00 AM | Is This The Little Girl I Carried? Surrogate Pregnancy in Jewish Law | Ariel Rackovsky | Jewish Center |
1:00 AM | Family Redeemed: The redemption of Sexual Life | Dovid Cohen | Young Israel West Side |
1:00 AM | Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Kabbalah, and Meditation: Appreciating the work of Aryeh Kaplan z”l | Avraham Sutton | Carlebach Shul |
1:15 AM | Rodeph: Halachic Issues of Preemption and Self-Defense | Yosie Levine | Jewish Center |
1:30 AM | Rabbah: Fascninating digressions from the attempt to install a Female Orthodox Rabbis | Shlomo Einhorn | West Side Instituitional |
1:30 AM | 250 Years of The Ba'al Shem Tov | Meir Ossey | Chabad West Side |
1:30 AM | Contemporary Halachic Issues and Inyane Shavuos | Mordechai Prager | West Side Kollel |
1:45 AM | Yin Yang of Jewish Ritual and Practice | Joe Septimus | JCC Manhattan |
1:45 AM | Is New York City the Diaspora? | Joshua Ellison | JCC Manhattan |
1:45 AM | The Human Dimension of Divine Revelation | Chaim Seidler-Feller | JCC Manhattan |
1:45 AM | Can there be Orthodox female Rabbis? | Moshe Grussgott | JCC Manhattan |
1:45 AM | Meditation | Bernice Todres | JCC Manhattan |
1:45 AM | Unmasking Shakespeare—The Jewish Connection | John Hudson | JCC Manhattan |
1:45 AM | Being Gay and Orthodox | Members of JQ Youth | JCC Manhattan |
1:45 AM | Berachot:Stand or Sit | Amos Alter | Lincoln Square |
1:45 AM | The original ESPN Superclassic | Rabbinical Staff | Lincoln Square |
1:45 AM | My year of living the 10 Commandments | Eli Ausaubel | Lincoln Square |
1:45 AM | Domestic Violence and Honoring One's Parents | Elana Stein Hain | Lincoln Square |
2:00 AM | Ask The Kabbalalist | Avraham Sutton | Carlebach Shul |
2:00 AM | My Biggest Ethical Dilemma and how I solved it | Joey Small | MJE |
2:15 AM | Respect Your Elders? Halachic Dilemmas of the Baby Boomer Generation | David Stein | Jewish Center |
2:30 AM | Quakes & Volcanos: Judaism's approach to Natural Disaster | Shlomo Einhorn | West Side Instituitional |
2:30 AM | Primer into the World to Come | Dovid Cohen | Young Israel West Side |
2:30 AM | B'Chol Nafshecha | Amram Kass | West Side Kollel |
2:45 AM | When Torah is Bipolar: 2 readings and one text | Eli Ausubel | Lincoln Square |
2:45 AM | Defining Idoltry Today | Elana Stein Hain | Lincoln Square |
2:45 AM | You've Got Mail | Ephrim Sturmwind | Lincoln Square |
3:00 AM | Re-Examining Tzelem Elohim: Gender in God's Image | Joe Septimus | JCC Manhattan |
3:00 AM | Something a Little Mystical or Cheesecake for the Soul | Naftali Citron | JCC Manhattan |
3:00 AM | Torah on Wall Street | Steve Eisenberg | MJE |
3:00 AM | Seeing Is Believing: Sights Sounds of Sinai | Chaim Alevsky | Chabad West Side |
3:00 AM | Fill Out Your Census: Taking Money, Counting Jews and the Evolution of Machatzit-Hashekel | Ben Sales | Ramath Orah |
3:30 AM | Committing Suicide to Avoid Suffering | Dovid Cohen | Young Israel West Side |
3:30 AM | Chareidi, Modern or Liberal: A source based approach | Shlomo Einhorn | West Side Instituitional |
3:30 AM | To Save A Life: Jewish Organ Donation | Daniel Fridman | Jewish Center |
3:30 AM | Malchus Beis Dovid and Sefer Ruth | Shlomo Gottesman | West Side Kollel |
3:45 AM | Stand Up Nation | Shaul Robinson | Lincoln Square |
4:00 AM | The 50 Gates of Wisdom and Yirat Shamayim | Eric Fishman | Ramath Orah |
4:45 AM | Shacharit!! |