10. There must be a fat kid who brings a trunk full of the greatest kosher snacks you have ever seen
9. A “Summer Fling” meant going on a shabbos walk or getting a shabbat-o-gram; serious relationships meant knitting a kippah
8 Raiding a Girls bunk must involve the following: A. sneaking out of your bunk really late (like almost 11:30pm) B. Your heart beating like you are escaping Auschwitz C. Getting to a girls bunk and having absolutely no idea what to do D. Whispering and giggling with girls you talk to everyday E. Getting busted by some bitchy girl counselor who doesn't want you to see her without makeup F. Crying to a camp director not to, G-d forbid, suspend your canteen! G. Treasuring that raid as probably the most exhilarating moment of your life for the next 30 years
7. Sports teams must be divided by Shirts Vs. Tzizit Skins
6. The most traumatizing day of camp (and probably your life): Visiting Day
5. If someone doesn't A. cry B. lose their voice C. have a nervous breakdown – it wasn't really Color War
4. Boys popularity must be based solely upon basketball talent; girls popularity must be based strictly on who “develops earlier”
3. The songs you learn during Zimriya will likely be the only pasukim you ever remember for the rest of your life
2. There must be one kid with a weird nickman, whose real first name you only learn on the last day of camp
1. Communal Bathrooms – still your greatest fear