www.bangitout.com by Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
New York magazine reports that Tom Delay, former congressman, is going to appear on “Dancing With The Stars” (rather than Being in Jail With the Criminals) on September 21rst.
Rumor has it that he's been taking “tantsn” (Yiddish for “dancing”) lessons at The Little Shop of Horas. 🙂
DeLey posted a message on Twitter: “Headed to the studio for my first rehearsal and to meet my partner. Hoping it's not Nancy Pelosi.”
Here's are my Top 10 “tantsn” steps for DeLay:
10. “Der Hamer” (The Hammer)
9. “Tsuker Land” (Sugar Land) Fox Trot
8. Electronic “Knekhl” (ankle) Bracelet
7. Texas Two-Step: Steptogether, walk, walk…to the Texas State Penintentiary
6. “After the AARP “veyter” (voter) Tango
5. “Turme hoyz” (Jail House) Twist
4. “Campaign-Fund Bagels and Bongos”
3. “Funny-Money Trail” Country Western (C/W) Dancing
2. “Tom's Shmeykhl-and-say Boogie”
(Smile-and-say Boogie)
1. “Judicial Wrangling” Waltz
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of two books: “Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers” and “Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction? Yiddish Trivia.” She may be reached at 516-433-5439