10) Year Abroad: Jerusalem, Israel – Majored in alcoholic beverages & nocturnal studies; minored in Burger Ranch
9) 3.6+ GPA – Includes 32 A+ credits from Yeshiva in Israel; 10 History of Film classes, and 3 summer semesters at Ramapo
8) Captain, High School Varsity Basketball Team – Didn't actually make team, but bought team jacket and wore it to Great Adventure on chol hamoed Peasach
7) Head Counselor (insert jewish camp here) – Spent countless hours planning your days off and flirting with hot campers
6) Executive Assistant (insert father's company here) – You once dropped off the car for your dad and called his secretary. But have never actually entered his office.
5) Youth Leadership Director, (insert your local synagogue) – Allowed kids to run wild outside of shul, while playing siddur baseball and table football for Stella Dorra cookies
4) Mathematics Tutor, YU – actually you failed your Bio midterm and were the one requesting a tutor, but it sounded smart, so you included it.
3) National Activities Director for Global Non-Profit Organization – Once played a drunken sailor in a NCSY shabbaton shtick contest; Borrowed your older brothers HASC sweatshirt once.
2) Sales Associate – Worked the Camp Morasha Canteen night shift, embezzled tons of laffy taffys
1) Bilingual: Hebrew – Yeh, if speaking Shmone Esray counts