10. "Can you skip leaving early for the Sabbath this week? We need your help on meeting this deadline."

9. "Is pot kosher?"

8. "You can't eat swine (that exact lashon) unless it's blessed by a rabbi, right"?

7. "Do you shower with your little hat on?"

6. "So you can only marry Jewish girls….what if she is not Jewish… but she's blessed by a rabbi?"

5. "Hey Noah, be careful with that letter opener, or you'll give yourself another circumcision." (I swear I've gotten that one)

4. "Boy, do I love humantashen…is it that time of year yet?"

3. "When is that hut holiday?"

2. An overabundance of inappropriately used "Shaloms", "Mazel Tovs," and "I'm Faklempts" (or other coffee talk references) in all emails sent to you.

1. "Did you kill Jesus?"