Who said Menroah’s can’t be extremely imaginative, beautiful, designer?
Here are the top we found around the web:

Richard Meier Architectonic Menorah ($1,200 The Jewish Museum)


Richard Meier Menorah

The Black Lumen Menorah ($590  The Jewish Museum)

Menorah Black Lumen

Jonathan Adler Dachshund Menorah  ($99 amazon)

jonathan adler menorah

Michael Levy’s Louis Vuitton Menorah (Not for Sale MJLEVY.com )

Louis Viton MenorahEight Days Design Menorah 21 – Cube ($1,250 The Jewish Museum) – comes in Lime color as well

Menorah Future Eight Days

Menorasaur – Lisa Peirce  ($100 The Jewish Museum)

mennrah dinosaur

Skyline Menorah – Jonathan Adler:  ( $248  The Jewish Museum)

Menorah Jonathan adler

Menorahmorph – Karim Rashid ($50 The Jewish Museum)

menorah karim rashidThe Last Match – Kathleen Walsh  ($240 Unicahome)


Menorah Walsh Last Match

Forgotten Judaica – Abraham’s Menorah Tree ($500 Amazon)


Puzzle Menorah – Benny Dabach  ($149 Canaan Online  )

puzzle menorah dabach

High Heel Menorah ($72 Menorah.com)

high heel menorah

Shofar Menorah ($44 Menorah.com)

Menorah Shofar