10. Awkward silence as the host carefully chooses who should lead the mizuman by eliminating those who he knows can't read Hebrew
9. Using Wedding tune for Shir Hamaalos at a singles meal
8. All eyes locked on each person washing Mayim Achronim — ensuring someone will spill it, or even worse, use it all up before everyone gets
7. Getting called to lead the mizuman precisely when you realize you can’t find the page in the1984 Chassidish wedding bentcher you got
6. Screwing this part of “Baal Habayis…V’Baalos Habayis…V’Baleei Habayis….Kohanim….Rebbeim….Apikorsim.. Kol Hamiubim Kahn" up
5. People who shush people for benching out loud as a group
4. Repeating the Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay for a 6th time after a 4 hour meal
3. After benching and thanking God, forgetting to thank host
2. When the heck was this salute to your host Yehee Ratzhon stuff added? I can't read hebrew outloud!
1. Shabbos Menucha Shabbos Mencha Shabbos Menucha ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Calgon take me away