10. iShaitel – digitally remasters your hair to be a lot nicer than your actual hair
9. iLulav – Always set on Vibrate
8. iMezuzza – Gives you the weather and sets the house security system when you kiss it
7. iKippah – Has velvet, suede, sruga skin options depending on the occasion
6. iPushka – You put in the change, it provides you with an instant Tax Deductible receipt
5. iShofar – Tekiah Teruah Tekiah with a choice of hip hop/rock/dance background tracks
4. iEruv – GPS Eruv system lets you know officially: The Eruv is up
3. iGabbai – Corrects the Torah reader without sounding like a condescending jerk
2. iHeter – Your new local rabbinical authority
1. iSermon – The fastest way to sleep