10. The entire beauty pageant would be held in the Mayflower hotel, room 871
9. Haman to change his $ offer to annihilate the Jews from 10k of silver to a few nights at the Emperor's Club
8. King's Record Keeper would have conveniently skipped over the parts relating to “unusual movements of cash”
7. Haman, aka. Memuchan, would also be known as Client #10
6. The King's request would be altered to gather all the fair young maidens and really hot high-end prostitutes
5. Hagai, the king's chamberlain, would be suddenly referred to as Madame H
4. Shalach Manos now required to have 2 foods and one non-disclosed Money Order
3. That wasn't exactly a Gold Scepter
2. “The Megillah” would refer to the neverending media barrage around the scandal
1. Banging when hearing the name 'Spitzer' read would be appropriate