10) The guy who brings a song list
We sing the same 10 songs every year. Do you really need to write them all down?
9) The guy who tries to hoist children onto his shoulders against their will
Borderline child abuse.
8) The guy who can't find the place in Ata Horesa
You can't pay attention for two minutes?
7) The guy who changes the direction of the circle every 10 seconds
The first time it's fun. After that it just makes you dizzy and nauseous.
6) The guy who gets drunk after the first hakafa
Two words: Nadav and Avihu
5) The guy who only acts drunk
Seriously dude. Who do you think you're fooling?
4) The guy who insists on holding up the talis during Kol Han'arim, despite being a foot shorter than the other three guys
What made you think you could do this?
3) The guy who won't let the hakafa end despite the fact that no one else is participating
It's the equivalent of a first-year resident in the ER pounding on the chest of a guy who's been dead for 45 minutes yelling, "LIVE, DAMN YOU, LIVE!"
2) The guy who still thinks it's funny to do the yomim noraim nusach at maariv
It was old when Rabban Gamliel did it in the Beis Hamikdash.
1) The guy who can't understand why you're not having as good a time as he is
Maybe walking around in a circle wedged between two sweaty guys in wool suits for an hour and a half is not my idea of fun.