10. You just asked your coworker what parties they are hitting tonight
9. You've gotten 10 facebook friend requests of people who say they met you on Simchas Torah. None look familiar.
8. The room is spinning and you keep asking, what hakafah they are to?
7. You have been facebooking the name “Moshe” whom you met on the street for 2 minutes and whom you are certain will be the father of your children
6. You have no memory of what a full work week is like
5. You have no memory of what a 30 minute shachris minyan is like
4. Your mother is calling you incessantly to find out if you met anyone on simchas torah, you tell her you are engaged.
3. All your shabbos/work clothing smell like a mixture of alcohol/smoke/perfume. You wear it anyway.
2. Your friends call you drunk when you say you want to learn the parsha every week starting with Bereshit
1. Severe PTSD (Post Traumatic SimchatTorahSocialScene Disorder) – a condition which makes it difficult to cope in a world without awkward 2 second hello/goodbye conversations