10. Your new business wardrobe costs more than all the money you make the entire summer
9. It's a non-paying internship
8. Your dad's Kiddush-Club buddy got you the job, but you'll never admit that to the other interns
7.You've scouted kosher restaurants for lunch until you realize befriending coworkers means eating trief.
6. You wear your company ID to shul, too bad it's the temporary laminated cardboard kind.
5. You tell people you're working on making major deals, when in reality you're making major copies.
4. It's the first time you've ever interacted with (i.e. got drunk, talked to, made out with) a Non-Jew…
3. You are no where near finishing the assignment tasked to you. Luckily internships end.
2. By end of summer you hope you get an offer but if not, the stapler, post-its and company mug you kept were well worth it.
1. Your yarmulke is now in your pocket / Your skirt is now too short to have pockets.