10. You are covering your knees and elbows, but taking notes in a Jessica Simpson scantily clad Trapper Keeper
9. Your Rebbe this year also served as your Camp Head Director and is also your next door neighbor
8. When the teacher is out, your mom substitutes
7. Food with a strange hashgacha that your parents swear as being "Chazzar Treif" is what's served for Rosh Chodesh Lunch
6. You've confused the wall picture of Abraham Lincoln with Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky ZTL
5. Your rabbi claims to have no TV, but somehow knows exactly what's going in LOST
4. You've manipulated your naive secular teacher to give you no homework due to your rigorous "dual curriculum"
3. There's a second grader wearing Prada
2. There must be at least one of the following: 1 right-off-the-boat Russian kid, 1 hyper Israeli kid whose parents are in the US for a year, 1 kid whose parents drive a BMW but is on scholarship, 1 kid who has siblings in every grade 1-8, 1 brilliant son-of-a-Rosh Yeshiva, and one tech wizard who loves to talk about the intricate layout of a mainframe computer and the mishkan
1. You curse God when you find out the Jewish Holidays don't fall out on weekdays.