**This is in honor of the two
Thank you to the faculty and administrators, as well.**
10. You still occasionally find yourself wearing navy blue and white on Fridays.
9. Tuna, chips and pickles on a kaiser for Friday lunch? Torah MiSinai!
8. Blue and white cupcakes with Israeli flags on Yom Haatzmaut? Also MiSinai!
7. You were once really amazed that people halfway around the world knew of Rabbi Lookstein, but you're not any more.
6. Morah Devorah Wrubel has seen at least two generations of your family move through the ranks.
5. You still expect a Hershey bar upon exiting the building.
4. You still have 7+ years' worth of colored felt kippot stashed away in a drawer somewhere.
3. You're always amazed that you know so many Israeli songs, thanks to the annual Zimriyah.
2. You roll your eyes when people just don't get it that KJ and Ramaz are essentially the same thing.
1. Anatoly Sharansky is your lifelong hero.