1. You consider the "Prime Driective" Halacha Moshe m'Sinai
2. Trying to find out if Gach is actually kosher, or is it Sheretz?
3. Using the food replicator to make your Shabbos meal is mutar, it isn't really creating since you are just changing the energy into matter.
4. Is replicated ham kosher?
5. Are you allowed to be on the Enterprise on Shabbos? What if you only travel at impulse speed?
6. Asking your Rav a Shailah if you can attend a Betazoid wedding, for Tzniusdik reasons.
7. Is being with a woman in the Jeffrie's Tube violate Yichud?
8. Amar Rav Spock "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few"
9. Temporal Prime Directive really means that if you are transported back in time and it is Shabbos or Yom Tov then, do you have to wait until Tzeis before you travel back?
10. Starfleet Command = Sanhedrin
11. Neutral Zone makes for a good Mechitza between you and the Romulans
12. If you touch a Holographic woman, does it violate Negiah?
13. Klingon Mohel instrument of choice is a Bat'leth (Ouch)
14. Having a Shabbos Turbo Lift installed on your starship.
15. If you travel somewhere and then take a shuttle craft to another location, do you have to say Tefillas Haderech again?
16. Having an open com-link to Ten-Forward for the Mashgiach to qualify as Temidi.
17. For twenty years we followed Bais Kirk, now we follow Bais Picard. Sisco wasn't good enough to be Posek HaDor and Janeway was a woman, so enough said.
18. Adapting Adon Olam to fit a Klingon drinking song.
19. When outside of Eretz Yisroel, face Eretz Yisroel, when outside Yerushalayim, face Yerushalayim, when in Yerushalayim, face the Bais HaMikdash… When in space, face Earth or the nearest Federation Outpost.
20. Entering any Ferengi city is Assur… Makom Znus
21. Talking to, or about Q is a violation of "lo yihiyeh l'cha Elokim Acheirim al Panai"
22. Vulcans growing Peyos to hide their ears.
23. If Kirk, Spock, and Chekov eat together, they have a Mizumin.
More to come, feel free to add more