Torah tube is an online source for many Jewish religion subjects. On torah tube we have videos by many rabbis and speakers on the Weekly torah portion, Gemara, Mussar & Hashkafah, kabbalah, the daf yomi, kosher laws, a weekly dvar torah and much more. Everybody is welcome to upload videos on various Jewish religion subjects. you can very easily sign up to our fantastic torah and Jewish religion tube and share your weekly dvar torah , start a torah weekly chedushim group or just post your thoughts on the Weekly torah portion and parshah in your personal profile . Members can correspond with other members and discuss issues on kosher laws, Shabbos, Halachah, Mussar, Talmud, daf yomi shiur, kabbalah and you name it. If you are a Rav we encourage you to share and upload your weekly dvar torah, daf yomi shiur, Halachah lessons on kosher laws, and everything related to our wonderful Jewish religion. If you are a yeshiva student and have videos of your Rav giving a shiur on the torah weekly commentaries or anything about Judaism, it would be a big Mitzvah to share it with all of us around the world. And even if you are not a rav or a talmid yeshiva, torah tube is the place for you to express and broadcast your chedushim. We have also created a special section where members can start a group / forum that can actually be like an online class room. Members can utilize this section in many creative ways. You can choose a subject and invite your friends and students to join your group and share thoughts and videos. This way you can give a torah weekly or daily shiur, receive questions and comments by members of your group, and outreach an over growing online community. In addition to uploading videos, members can also embed videos from Google and other video sharing sites. Obviously as this site is dedicated strictly to Jewish religion themes, we ask that only content of torah and Judaism be uploaded and embedded on the site. If you find any interesting torah weekly commentaries on other sites or other relevant content you are welcome to stream it to our site. We hope to make this site a concise website for the holly torah. To make it simple and convenient for visitors to find videos on specific subjects, we have built a special section for categories. When uploading videos members will be asked to choose the most relevant categories for their videos. For example, if you have a video on the rules of Brachot, Shabbat, or kosher laws, put it under the category of "Halachot". If your video is a weekly dvar torah put it in the "torah portion" category. Viewers can browse a large array of lectures in the channels section, choose from the most viewed or check out the featured list on the home page. We are eager to hear from you if you have any comments, suggestions or advice on how we can improve the site . Thanks and enjoy!