Your mom is so frum she washes for pizza wheels
Your mom is so frum she bought a shaitel for her legs
Your mom is so frum she signs her checks Mrs. your fathers name
Your mom is so frum she makes you drink breast milk, cause it the only real milk that is cholev yisroel
Your mom is so frum she yells at you for calling her when you should be learning
Your mom is so frum she has a bag packed under her bed in case moshiach shows
Your mom is so frum she's the one who wears the tefillin in her marriage
Your mom is so frum she wants to go back to school to get the title rebbeztin
Your mom is so frum she had a daughter who is the same age as yours so that they'd have someone to hang out with in the nursery
Your mom is so frum she lights shabbos candles on thursday
Your mom is so frum she makes takes challah from cereal boxes
Your mom is so frum she puts in the order to the pizza place on Friday for motzei shabbos
Your mom is so frum she had to have someone print this list out for her cause bangitout is trief
Your mom is so frum she says a mishaberach everytime you go on a bad date
Your mom is so frum she forced you to drink rov kos at your bris
Yo Imma's so frum she changed that math reminder to Please Excuse Min Der Aunt Shlulamis
YO Moma's so frum she named yo first Name Asher and your middle named Yutzar so you dont forget Hashem in the can
Yo Mama's so frum, she won't let you and your hot cousin stay in the house together without supervision (maybe that was smart, come to think of it);
Yo Mama's so frum, your miniature bris tallis had techeles;
Yo Mama's so frum, in cleaning for chametz, she vacuums you;
Yo Mama's so frum, when you were circumcised, she watched the mohel to see that the entire foreskin and maybe even a little extra, just to be sure, was removed
Yo Moma's so frum she gave you a stapler as a birthday gift to help your remember the Steipler Goan.
Yo Mama's so frum, she has a separate set of dishes for meat, dairy, pareve, pesach and fish ("I should use it on the same teller as I other times have mit basar, chalilah!");
Yo Mama's so frum, she tavels her entire body along with any new dishes [ewwww, I'm not eating at your house again];
Yo Mama's so frum, her tichel has ultra-bright blinders to further prevent your seeing a single visible strand of hair